Monday, October 18, 2010

Mr. October hits three homers in three swings

On October 18, 1977, in the sixth game of the World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers, New York Yankees outfielder Reggie Jackson hits three home runs in a row off of three consecutive pitches from three different pitchers. Only the great Babe Ruth had ever hit three homers in a single World Series game (and he did it twice, once in 1926 and once in 1928) —but he didn’t do it on consecutive pitches or even consecutive at-bats. Jackson’s amazing home-run streak helped the Yankees win the game and the series, the team’s first since 1962. 

Also on this day in 1867, the U.S. formally takes possession of Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for $7.2 million, or less than two cents an acre. The Alaska purchase comprised 586,412 square miles, about twice the size of Texas, and was championed by William Henry Seward, the enthusiastically expansionist secretary of state under President Andrew Johnson.

Today in Social Studies:
7th grade-  Skills Iowa October Assessment & continued working on Road Trip USA Task #2 the journal for Tuesday.
6th grade- Skills Iowa October Assessment & Skills Tutor in class.
8th grade- Skills Iowa October Assessment & Researched the Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center.  Click here to visit Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center

Also, all of the students created student accounts on, a social learning network where they can send messages, files & videos.  It is similar to Facebook, but is safe & secure.

Mr. Johnson

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