Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mar 24, 1958: Elvis Presley is inducted into the U.S. Army

When Elvis Presley turned 18 on January 8, 1953, he fulfilled his patriotic duty and legal obligation to register his name with the Selective Service System, thereby making himself eligible for the draft. The Korean War was still underway at the time, but as a student in good standing at L.C. Humes High School in Memphis, Elvis received a student deferment that kept him from facing conscription during that conflict's final months. Elvis would receive another deferment four years later when his draft number finally came up, but this time for a very different reason: to complete the filming of his third Hollywood movie, King Creole. With that obligation fulfilled, Uncle Sam would wait no longer. On March 24, 1958, Elvis Presley was finally inducted, starting his day as the King of Rock and Roll, but ending it as a lowly buck private in the United States Army.

Today in Social Studies:

7th grade- Finished our Canadian Provinces/Territories charts, put that information into a Google Map to share.

6th grade- Finished our European charts, put that information into a Google Map to share.

8th grade- Finished Chapter 4 Section 2 "Colonial Society" with a quiz.  Then previewed Chapter 4 Section 3 "Slavery in the Colonies" and a short video clip.  We will discuss this on Monday as we have ITBS on Friday.
Mr. Johnson

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