Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mar 10, 1876: Speech transmitted by telephone


On this day, the first discernible speech is transmitted over a telephone system when inventor Alexander Graham Bell summons his assistant in another room by saying, "Mr. Watson, come here; I want you." Bell had received a comprehensive telephone patent just three days before.

Today in Social Studies:

7th grade:  We discussed our locating cities partner project and handed them in.  Also watched the National History Day iMovie from the South Winneshiek competition.  Students have 2 worksheets on Making Inferences that are due when they come to school Friday am.

6th grade:  We discussed our egg decoration projects.  We are currently studying Poland and we designed Easter eggs in class.  Students have 2 worksheets on Making Inferences that are due when they come to school Friday am.

8th grade:  Discussed our comparisons of the English Bill of Rights to the American Bill of Rights.  Watched today's episode of CNN Student News and discussed the issue of the US Government setting the laws for when teenagers can receive their learners permit and their actual drivers license.  Students also have 2 comparison worksheets that are due when they come to school Friday 3/11/11.

Mr. Johnson

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