Monday, March 14, 2011

Mar 14, 1879: Albert Einstein born

On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein is born, the son of a Jewish electrical engineer in Ulm, Germany. Einstein's theories of special and general relativity drastically altered man's view of the universe, and his work in particle and energy theory helped make possible quantum mechanics and, ultimately, the atomic bomb.

Today in all Social Studies classes we watched a CNN Student News podcast dealing with the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.  The students will be organizing a garage sale and other special days to  raise funds to send to Japan through the American Red Cross.  Also as a way to simulate the loss of power in Japan, the middle school students will be participating in "Flashlight Day" here at South Winneshiek on Wednesday March 16.  We are going to conserve as much electricity as possible on that day.

Mr. Johnson

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