Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov 3, 1998: The Body is elected governor of Minnesota

On November 3, 1998, former professional wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura is elected governor of Minnesota with 37 percent of the vote. His opponents, seasoned politicians Hubert Humphrey III (son of Lyndon Johnson’s vice-president and the attorney general of Minnesota) and St. Paul mayor Norm Coleman, spent a total of $4.3 million on their campaigns. Ventura, the Reform-Party candidate, spent $250,000—money he raised by selling $22 t-shirts and accepting $50 donations from his supporters. His only political experience had been his years as mayor of Brooklyn Park, a suburb of Minneapolis, but his laid-back, straight-talking, libertarian approach to politics resonated with many Minnesotans—especially young men who had never voted before. "I voted for Jesse because he was the most honest," one young constituent told a reporter for Newsweek. "If he doesn’t know something, he says he doesn’t know."

Today in social studies:
7th grade-  Students took Skills Iowa (computer based formative assessment), also did an activity with Google Earth in preparation for Road Trip USA Task #4 Thursday in class.
6th grade-  Students took Skills Iowa (computer based formative assessment) and also worked on Skills Tutor in class.
8th grade- As a class we reviewed yesterday's Chapter 2 Assessment, then moved on to Skills Iowa & if they had time, their Current Events article to read & respond to.

Mr. Johnson

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