Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lewis & Clark return to St. Louis from the Pacific Coast

September 23, 1806 United States Army soldiers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark return to St. Louis after a nearly 2 year expedition to the west coast.

Assignments done in class today:
7th grade- Discussed tic-tac-toe project options, watched a 60 Minutes story about American Samoa called "Football Island" and discussed it in class.
6th grade- Discussed tic-tac-toe project options, watched a 60 Minutes story about American Samoa called "Football Island" and discussed it in class.
 Here is the link for the "Football Island" story from 60 Minutes:

8th grade- Discussed Fort Atkinson Rendezvous Days & what we needed to bring & expectations for the field trip Friday.  Also had our Current Events game with the remainder of class time.

Mr. Johnson

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