Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hello returning 7th & 8th graders and a warm welcome to our new 6th graders who are entering the middle school this year. I'm very excited for you as you are the first group of students to take part in the 1:1 laptop initiative at South Winneshiek. We will
be doing many different things that use technology, but we will also do plenty of projects that you may consider to be old school.

One of the main reasons for this blog is to make assignments & information more accessible to not only the students, but also the parents to see what their children are involved in. So each day I will post the class assignment for all to see and if you miss school for some reason, you will be able check out what you missed. These are exciting times at South Winneshiek, and I encourage you all to be involved in as many things as possible. I'm anxious to start and can't wait to see all of you August 18th!

Mr. Johnson

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